Mitchell Robins

My name is Mitchell and I am an autistic teen. I want to share my life with the world in hopes that I can bring awareness of what it is like to live with autism. I believe spelling as a form of communication is not well understood and I hope to bring awareness to this lifestyle and change that for autistic people everywhere. I am on the move a lot because it helps me concentrate and apply myself. I don’t think it is a problem, I just think I am different. I want the world to see different as beautiful and not scary like they do now. I know I may not act like everyone else, but that is what makes me awesome! I use a letter board to communicate and I am starting to use a keyboard on my iPad.


Adapted from Mitchell’s blog, “Mitchell’s Life with Autism”

“I lo-”

I have been alone for most of my life inside my body

“I lo-”

People have tried to make me communicate before, but I couldn’t stand the limitations.

Nobody could ask me what I wanted and they assumed that I had no opinion and that I understood very little. I couldn’t get what I wanted so I felt frustrated and angry.

I am more complicated than some may think. I am constantly thinking about everything and keep it to myself. I am much more intelligent than people know, but I don’t speak.

I am bright, strong, and persistent. I have thoughts and needs like

everyone else, but sometimes people don’t realize that.

“I lo-“

It took me a long time to learn Rapid Prompting Method and it was a lot of work but it opened up my world.

“I love you.”

I have learned how to answer questions, tell my needs, express myself and advocate for myself.

“I love you.”



Watch the piece created with Mitchell’s poetry here: