Aiden Levy is 10 years old and lives in Round Lake, Illinois. He communicates by spelling on a letter board using Rapid Prompting Method (RPM). When he's not spelling out poems, he enjoys spending time with his twin sisters, Ava and Mia, swimming and playing Roblox. He wants the world to know: "I understand yet I verbally do not say things." Aiden was among the featured writers in the 2020-21 Lynx Amplify Series.


What is in a Wind Sound

What is in a wind sound

That sings to the trees

When falling leaves

Are not green

And the air is cold

The day is short

It gets dark

Wind scatters leaves

on the ground


The clouds were piling

The clouds were piling

Sky had lightning

Piling, scaring

Finally showering

Streets were flowing

Water rushing

Thunder rumbling

Clouds were piling



Watch the pieces created with Aiden’s poetry here: